Creepy Mario 64

I was playing CoD: Ghosts on my PS3. I threw my controller and yelled F##k this s##t CoD sucks. I layed on my bed and I realised I had to clean my attic. So I went upstairs and when I was over I found my old N64. I had Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye 007, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, but something was missing. It was Super Mario 64.
I went to local flea market because Ebay was temporarly shutdown IDK why. I asked a man if he had SM64. He handled it and said it's 6,66$. Seems legit, I said. I went back home and popped SM64 in my N64. When it popped to Mario's face, something was odd. Instead of Super Mario 64, it said Creepy Mario 64, background was blood-red and Mario looked like as if somebody was going to kill him. I touched him and he yelled like a retarded girl NOOOO!!! When I pressed start the message popped saying: You shouldn't have done that. Screw you, Ben! You're now haunting SM64!
When I approached the castle, Lakitu landed and said: Go away, Mario! Nobody likes you! I entered the castle and message said: If you like Squidward's suicide, go to the first level, if not... GO TO SLEEP! Dafuq? Jeff is inside too? And Squidward?! Anyways I went to Bob-omb battlefield. The song was Act 1 Hill playing in reverse. I climbed to the top of the hill. King Bob-omb wasn't there, it was Sonic.exe! He said: you're too slow and he killed me and Mario was screaming like a retarded girl.
I found another painting and it looked like Shrek's swamp! Sceptically, I opened the world. There was HUGE SHREK and he said Shrek is love, Shrek is life and he killed me with his onions! I found myself in the dark room and Mario wasn't alone. The message said: Don't turn around. But since I have common disease Clicheatis, I did. And guess what, no one was there. Suddenly Slenderman ripped my head off AND THERE WERE HYPERREALISTIC BLOOD SQIURTING in my room!!!
I had one life left. I was teleported in Bowser's final battle. Then EVIL PATRIXXX showed up and said: YOU ARE NEXT! He ate Mario and again HYPERREALISTIC BLOOD SQUIRTED!!! It didn't sohw Game Over. Instead Lavender Town song was playing endlessly. I said I am a monster I killed Mario now what. I killed myself. I popped my eyeballs with my toothbrush and screamed like a retarded girl.


The SM64 cartridge is now in property of police because (my name) alerted neighbors with the screaming. The cartridge was examined. And it said: SPREAD THE WORD!